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IRS Announces New R&D Tax Credit Form 6765

IRS Announces New R&D Tax Credit Form 6765

The IRS has released a revised draft of Form 6765, Credit for Increasing Research Activities for the R&D tax credit, incorporating feedback from external stakeholders to reduce taxpayer burden and improve tax administration of the R&D credit. Key changes...

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New Bill would allow Deduction of 174 R&D Expenditures

Jan 2024 - In a new bi-partisan bill introduced this week, Congress would again allow immediate expensing of domestic R&D research and development costs, a change from last year’s requirement that 2022 costs must be amortized which kicked in as of 2022 as part of...

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Section 174 Guidance for Upcoming Tax Returns

Section 174 Guidance for Upcoming Tax Returns

IRS Issues Guidance on Section 174 – No Form 3115 for 174 R&E Costs: Rev. Proc. 2023-11 has been issued by the IRS, offering simplified procedures for the first taxable year starting after December 31, 2021 (so calendar year taxpayers’ year 2022). Instead of...

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IRS Proposes Changes to R&D Tax Credit Form 6765

IRS Proposes Changes to R&D Tax Credit Form 6765

The IRS recently proposed changes to the R&D tax credit form to better administer research credits going forward as of the 2023 tax year. These changes to Form 6765 Credit for Increasing Research Activities are still in the planning stages and IRS is seeking input...

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45L Energy Tax Credit Passes House, Awaiting Senate Vote

45L Energy Tax Credit Passes House, Awaiting Senate Vote

There are number of tax provisions and extensions in the new Build Back Better (BBB) Act, including a 10 year extension of the 45L energy efficient home tax credit through 2031. This bill awaits a Senate vote likely to be scheduled in December. There are some key...

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New Taxpayer Relief – 2020 Tax Deadline Extensions

New Taxpayer Relief – 2020 Tax Deadline Extensions

The Internal Revenue Service has announced that they are delaying the April 15th filing deadline to May 17th for all individual 2020 tax returns. In a statement, IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig indicated the decision was made in recognition of the fact that most of the...

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Funded R&D – Rights – Tangel Case R&D Tax Credits

Funded R&D – Rights – Tangel Case R&D Tax Credits

In a recent Tax Court case, Tangel v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2021-1 (Jan 2021), the Tax Court concluded that the taxpayer who claimed the R&D tax credit did not retain substantial rights and thus the R&D work was 'funded' and the R&D tax credit...

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